jewelry artist with apron on in jewelry studio smiling

Jacqueline Renee Jeweler | Personal Branding

Jacqueline Renee is a jeweler located in Eau Claire, WI at Artisan Forge Studios. Jacqueline has been creating custom jewelry designs and offering repairs since 2000. She is superb at using stones from old family heirlooms to create something fresh and new for you to cherish forever. Her work is incredible and personalized for every client’s vision. Jaque works with her clients through every step of their jewelry creation. She’s a Graduate Gemologist and her passion and knowledge shows.

In Fall of 2019 I worked with Jacqueline to create personal branding images which reflect her and her process as a jeweler. We met prior to the shoot to plan out what she wanted from her branding session and so I could get to know her ahead of time. We created some fun images showing close ups of her process, what it’s like to meet with her and a few fun coffee shop photos as she loves her coffee!

artist looking down sanding a ring while sitting at a wooden table in their jewelry studio
close up of an artist's hands sanding a ring while sitting at a wooden table in their jewelry studio
artist sanding a ring while sitting at a wooden table in their jewelry studio looking up
artist wearing goggles, sitting at a desk, using flames to weld jewelry in their studio
artist wearing goggles, sitting at a desk, using flames to weld jewelry in their studio
artist sitting at a wooden desk in a jewelry studio working
artist peering over the top of a jewelry book in their studio
jewelry studio with artist sitting in the middle smiling
artist in their jewelry studio balancing a tool on their lip
artist in their jewelry studio smiling
artist in their studio laughing and drinking coffee
artist working on a ring in their jewelry studio at a wooden desk
artist working on a ring in their jewelry studio at a wooden desk
artist working on a ring in their jewelry studio at a wooden desk
artist buffing a ring in their jewelry studio, with a view of the whole studio
artist working on a ring in their jewelry studio at a wooden desk
artist buffing a ring in their jewelry studio
jewelry tools on wooden desk with apron and goggles hanging nearby
jewelry studio, tools and machinery
artist studio doorway opening up
jewelry artist posing at their studio doorway
jewelry making tools in a cup on a wooden table
dark jewlery making studio with light coming from the window
dark studio with jewelry making tools on wooden table top
dark studio with jewelry making tools on wooden table top
dark studio with jewelry making tools on wooden table top
dark studio with jewelry making tools on wooden table top
jewelry artist in dark jewelry studio with light behind her head and a profile view and serious face
jewelry artist meeting with client in studio with large diamond
jewelry artist meeting with client in studio with large diamond
jewelry artist meeting with client in studio with large diamond
jewelry artist with apron on in jewelry studio smiling
jewelry artist with apron on in jewelry studio smiling
jewelry artist with apron on in jewelry studio smiling
jewelry artist with apron on in jewelry studio smiling
jewelry artist wearing mustard sweater, sitting in a dark cafe with a coffee cup smiling
jewelry artist sitting on a couch at a dark cafe